Monday, October 6, 2008

I feel so grateful for the spirit I was able to feel this past weekend. There was one talk the hit me particularly hard, and that was President Monson's talk on Change. Change is a word that I have always been very afraid of, yet I have been learning on how to embrace change rather than run away from it. Life will change, people will come and go, and not letting a moment pass is something very important. Expressing myself is something that has never been easy for me, in fear that life in fact will change. Yet listening to the talk by such a righteous man, I felt the spirit so strong. I realized that life goes on one step at a time, and as long as we keep the eternal perspective in life, everything will work out, and whatever happens, happens for a reason. I am so thankful for that knowledge, and I can only hope that I can do better at accepting change and not letting moments pass without expressing myself, and do the things which matter most. I am so grateful for this church and the knowledge I have....I hope you all had an amazing conference just as I did. I hope all is well! Love you all!

1 comment:

The Holt Family said...

Conference was amazing! We are so lucky to have the gospel in our lives. It also was good to see you guys today! I want to add you to our blog so you can see more pictures of the little guy and so we can keep in touch as well. My email is, email me then I can send you the invite.